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Meeting Space

I.      Purpose

            This policy specifies usage guidelines  associated with the use of the Library’s Meeting Room (located off the front lobby) and the Donald B. Palmer Museum.

II.    Policy

            The Library’s meeting room and museum shall be open to  Springfield based not for profit groups of a civic, educational, charitable or cultural nature, and not utilized for fund-raising or overtly political purposes. It is to be understood that the needs of the library always take precedence over outside groups when events are being scheduled.   The Friends of the Springfield Free Public Library will be granted permission to use either the library’s meeting room or the Donald B. Palmer Museum for fundraising purposes, but only with advance approval and agreement having been granted by the Library Director.

            The Friends of the Springfield Free Public Library will be granted permission to use either the library’s meeting room or the Donald B. Palmer Museum for fundraising purposes, but only with advance approval and agreement having been granted by the Library Director.

Procedures Governing the Public Use of Library Meeting Room and Museum

A.    Priority

            The meeting room and museum are intended primarily to support Library programs and functions that further the work of the Library.  Library sponsored programs and the programs of the Library’s affiliated organizations, including The Friends of the Springfield Free Public Library, are given priority in the reservation and use of the meeting room and museum.  The meeting room and museum are not available for individuals for private use, social gatherings, political meetings or commercial purposes. Specifically, companies or not for profit organizations that market, promote or sell financial services or products including – but not limited to – insurance, annuities, stocks, bonds, banking or brokerage services will not be permitted to rent library meeting space for these purposes. All organizations and groups applying to use library meeting space must sign a written agreement that indicates the applicant’s understanding of the library’s policy. Groups or organizations found to be in willful violation of that policy  may be barred from future use of the library’s meeting space for a specified period of time.

Admissions Fee

            No admission fee for the event taking place in a room, no matter how or where collected, may be charged by any group  using Library meeting spaces. It is understood that legitimate membership dues  do not constitute admission fees. In addition, no fees may be charged to attendees for supplemental materials being used in conjunction with the program taking place in the meeting space. A group found to be violating this rule will be denied future use of the Library meeting spaces. If, at the time this violation is discovered, the person responsible for the group does not agree to return admission fees already paid by attendees, the librarian shall be authorized to call the Springfield Township Police to assist in making sure that any fees paid by attendees have been returned and that the group vacates the Library premises without delay.  It is at the discretion of the Library Director whether or not the room rental fee paid by the offending organization will be refunded.

            The library also prohibits the taking of personal information of people attending programs on the library premises  by any outside group or organization offering a program to the general public as a condition of attendance.   The gathering of personal information  in the form of advance registration or sign in upon entering the meeting space is prohibited.   

            Use of additional library space, including the librarys front lobby, parking lot, or library grounds as an extension of the activity taking place in the library meeting space is strictly forbidden, including for promotional or publicity purposes.

            When the Library Meeting Room and Museum are not needed for library-related programs, the rooms may also be made available for official activities of Springfield Township boards, committees and commissions, Springfield public schools, and non-profit organizations.


            Use of the meeting room and museum is by reservation. Groups and organizations wishing to reserve one of the meeting spaces are strongly encouraged to first call the :Library at 973 376-4930 to check the availability of desired dates before submitting an application.  Submission of an application does not imply that the space requested is available Reservations are confirmedonly when an executed Application to Use Meeting Room form (attached) is approved by the Library Director or the Library Directors designee, along with the duly executed Assumption of Liability Statement (attached).  Application forms will be available at the Circulation Desk and on the Librarys web page.  Every applicant will designate an individual responsible for the supervision of the use of the requested room.  The applicant and the designee must be 18 years of age or older. 

Insurance and Indemnification Requirements:

            Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Library against any and all damages to property or injuries to or death of any person or persons and shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Library from any and all claims, demands, suits actions or proceedings of any kind or nature, or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from or arising out of the applicants use of the Library. Applicant agrees to furnish an insurance certificate evidencing liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($ 1,000,000.00) and naming the Library as an additional insured.

            Use of the meeting room and museum by non-Library affiliated groups does not include the use of Library staff in planning or conducting programs and activities.


            Room reservations may not be made more than two (2) months in advance of the desired meeting date. Groups are limited to two (2) reservations per month. The Library reserves the right to deny meeting space to organizations that frequently cancel meetings. Groups may not make or accumulate reservations for more than two (2) consecutive days except at the discretionof the Library Director. Library-related boards and committees, library-sponsored series, and the Friends of the Springfield Free Public Library may exceed these limits.

Room Capacity

      1.   Museum:  Maximum capacity: 60  auditorium-style; up to 48  seated at tables

                  Includes:  basic setup of chairs, tables and podium, and projection screen.

  1. Meeting Room:  Maximum capacity: 35 auditorium-style; up to 25 seated at tables.

                 Includes:  basic setup of chairs and tables 

                Groups or organizations that require use of the space for longer than a three hour period must make that requirement clear at the time of the initial application.   Permission to use the meeting space for a period longer than three hours may be granted at the discretion of the Library Director, based on availability and the needs of the library 

Application Timetable

            Applications will be reviewed and a decision made no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the application by the Library Director or the Library Directors designee.  Notification is by email at the address provided by the authorized representative

Facilities & Equipment

            The Library Director must be consulted before approval is granted for outside equipment to be used.

            Groups may use their own equipment provided the Library networks and/or audiovisual systems are not compromised. A ceiling mounted projector and screen are available  for groups using the Palmer Museum.  A pull down screen is available  for groups using the Meeting Room.  A library staff member will be available to provide initial assistance in the use of the librarys projector, but library staff members will not be available to perform technical tasks throughout the time that the group will be using the librarys meeting space.

Room Setup

            Directions for room set up that are included in the application process will be followed as closely as possible based on the constraints of the space being utilized and the dimensions of the furniture being requested.   Requests for changes in room set up that are made on the same day that the meeting space is being used cannot be accommodated.  Room applicants may handle minor changes in set up on their own; library staff members will not be made available for this purpose. 


            Every applicant will designate an individual, aged 18 years or older, who will be responsible for the supervision of the use of the requested room.  That individual will also be responsible for any damage to the room and contents as well as any or all equipment made available, and will also be responsible for any additional cleaning that may be required.   No additional furniture or equipment other than that furnished by the Library is to be used without prior approval by the Library Director, excluding laptop computers and projectors.  The room must be cleared of any such equipment, as well as any other items used (boxes, brochures, etc.) at the end of the meeting, unless permission to leave the materials has been granted in advance and in writing from the Library Director.  A group that has not properly cleaned up after use maybe assessed an additional fee to cover any cleaning and/or repair costs that the Library incurs.


            Only light refreshments may be served in either the Museum or Meeting Room.   No alcoholic beverages may be served.   No cooking is permitted.  Each group is responsible for providing its own serving equipment and paper goods, as well as for cleaning up the room after the conclusion of the meeting or event.

Library Opening and Closing

            No group is permitted to enter the Library to set up before the Librarys opening hours.  All meetings must conclude at least one-half hour before the Library closes to allow time for cleaning.  All participants must vacate the Library by closing time.


            Smoking of any kind,  including tobacco,  electronic cigarettes, or other substances is prohibited anywhere inside the library.

Condition of Room

            The room must be left neat and orderly and in the condition in which it was found.  If not,  notice will be given to the group denying future use of  library meeting space.  Time for setting up beforehand and cleaning up afterwards must be included in the meeting time requested.

            No decorations of any kind may be affixed to the walls, windows, cabinets, display cases, or other furniture inside the meeting room or Palmer Museum.

Behavior of Program Attendees

            Persons attending the meetings are subject to all Library rules and regulations.


            Permission to use a Library room does not in any way constitute Library endorsement of the groups goals, policies or activities.  Any publicity (print, digital, social media, etc.)  prepared and distributed by the group must include the following statement: Space for this program is being  provided by the Springfield Free Public Library. This does not constitute an endorsement of the content of this program on the part of the Library.


It is the responsibility of the group or organization using the librarys meeting space to handle any publicity desired for the event in question, including press releases, advertisements, brochures, or mentions on social media.   Activities taking place in the library that are sponsored by outside groups will not be publicized on the librarys outdoor sign or included on the librarys webpage or social media accounts.   Print fliers of activities sponsored by outside groups may not be displayed or distributed inside the library.  

            All publicity, including news releases, advertisements, brochures, Facebook and other social media, radio and television announcements, that is prepared by the group or organization and relates to any program or meeting held in any Library room shall clearly state the name of the sponsoring organization or individual and shall not imply that the program or meeting is sponsored or endorsed by the Library unless the Library has previously agreed in writing to co-sponsorship.  Groups may not use the Librarys name, address or telephone number as their official address or contact information. The statement included in section N (see above), must be included in any publicity prepared for this event by the group or organization sponsoring the event.

Right to Appeal

            Within 30 days of any decision relating to this policy, all applicants have the right to appeal the decisions of the Library Director to the Board of Trustees of the Springfield Free Public Library, in writing, at 66 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ  07081.

            This policy is issued by the Librarys Board of Trustees and is subject to periodic review and/or revision at the sole discretion of the Board.

 To reserve a room, fill out this Application and Assumption Of Liability statement.